Our team

With business experience in Asia, Europe, Middle East and North America, eLumya draws on our multicultural mindset to accompany leaders in international contexts

Our PURPOSE is to practice what we preach

1. Be kind and generous

We create a safe workspace that gives generous support and thoughtful challenge

2. Keep a systemic perspective

We look beyond ourselves and connect you to the larger internal and external environment

3. Get you involved, in person and online

We are warm and enthusiastic to get you engaged face-to-face and online

4. Anchor our work in science

We work with a wealth of tools, models and methodologies from management science, positive psychology, and strengths-based leadership

5. Stay curious

We are inquisitive and seek to co-create possibilities with you

We have fun!

Delphine Parmenter

“Despite being a California girl, it’s only in my fifties that I’m beginning to surf.  With surfing, I’m learning to let go of achieving an outcome and enjoy the experience.”

Mary Akimoto

“My stretch goal is to sail around the world with my husband in a few years’ time, which requires a steep learning curve to become a skilled seawoman – I am currently incompetent crew, but enthusiastic traveler.”
coach mary akimoto
coach sebastien baert

Sébastien Baert

“One of my dreams is to publish 3 different books: one book on management, one book on meditation, one compilation of novella.”

Kate Ng

“There are places in the world I still haven’t visited. Will I go physically or virtually ?”
coach kate ng